Needle Diva

Ok I confess, I am a huge needle diva. I’ll bet you would have never have guessed that about me. Oh the things you learn about a person! Well I hate needles so much that I usually pass out when given a shot. There is something about a needle pushing through the skin that just makes me pass out. My poor husband found out the hard way. When we first began this journey I had to have a biopsy of my tumor. This consists of a spring loaded needle that is shot through the tumor and a core sample is taken. Sounds like fun. My doctor took two samples and I told him if he was going to do that one more time I would pass out. Sure enough I passed out cold. I think I scared my husband!! I have found that I must warn all the nurses now and they lay me down in one of the rooms while they access my port.
So I know everyone wants to know how I am doing after round 3. This time around was hard. I am still feeling the effects of the chemo and Nuelasta. Usually by now I am rebounding and feeling “normal” but I woke up this morning in a lot of pain. It seems the bone pain and muscle pain has gotten worse. Anything that even touches my skin is painful. I love it when the doctor says it will feel like I have the flu. (Not even close) I am praising God that I have been able to continue walking each morning and that I haven’t had any nausea. I am still on the no sugar, dairy, or meat program. I also haven’t lost any weight and all my blood work came back in the normal range. Praise God for the small miracles he is working.
During my chemo treatment I had a scary moment. When they started my Taxotere drip it felt as if I couldn’t get a breath. My head got really dizzy and felt really big. Thankfully after a few seconds that feeling went away.
When I met with my oncologist we discussed the use of Avastin and as long as insurance pays for it we will continue. Our hope is that after surgery and radiation I will be able to get back on Avastin and hormone treatment. Also when he felt my tumor he said he couldn’t really feel the lumps anymore. He once again compared it to a melting piece of ice that has broken apart. This was wonderful news!!!
I just wanted to thank everyone for their support and prayers. Without those I couldn’t get through this. I was blessed again with Janice visiting me during my chemo. Both my husband and I really enjoyed just being able to talk to someone who has gone through this. I have been so blessed with the people in my life who have rallied around me and continually pray for my recovery. I also wanted to send a special thanks to Bonnie for all the wonderful beets she sent with my mom. Each time I drank one of my wonderful carrot/beet smoothies I thought about how thoughtful that was. I also wanted to say a huge thank you for all the encouraging words and cards. When I feel weak or down I always pull out the cards or read all the comments on this blog and I feel that I have a whole army of people behind me.

11 thoughts on “Needle Diva

  1. Hi Michelle,
    I am Mike Mikulin’s sister and I just wanted to tell you that I have you on my daily prayer list for a miracle to happen. You have such a beautiful family and they love you so much and are awaiting the day that life will be back to normal.
    Sharon Linneman

  2. Glad to hear the small miracles that continue to happen! I just want you to know I admire you for sharing your journey, even when you may be down a little you still share, and boy, do I admire you for drinking carrot/beet smoothies!! Wow, you are the woman! Praying for you!

  3. I too am a closet needle diva! I had blood work done and the lady was really nice to me. I told her she seemed so friendly but that we could never be friends because she had a needle in her hand! My husband holds my hand and tries to distract me and I about break his hand! Praise God that your tumors are still shrinking! Your post made me laugh today as I thought of myself and my fears….Thanks for sharing and being so open!

    • I’m so thankful that you are feeling a little better today. I know that Lord is with you and giving you the strength we prayed for each and every day. Praise God that the tumors are still shrinking. I pray that you will have a blessed weekend and keep relying on God to see you through. I’m also so thankful that your Mom can stay with you and will stay as long as you need her.
      We love you lots.
      Love, Grandma

  4. Never liked needles myself, either, Michelle. I am sorry that this time was more difficult for you, but glad to hear that the tumors continue to shrink. This is good news! I so admire your strength and courage! You are an inspiration to me. Hang in there and know that your prayer warriors continue to fight hard for you. All our love, Mike & Kate

  5. Michelle,
    Just want you to know, I am thinking about you all the time. You and your family are in my prayers everyday. Your blog is so up-lifting. You are such an amazing and strong person. Just let me know if there is anything I can do for you.


  6. Dear Shelly, I continue to be inspired by you! I hope when this nightmare is all a vague and distant memory that you will put all your experiences and thoughts into some form that can be used to help others who will have to fight these battles. You have been blessed with all the right gifts — honesty, openness, strength, the ability to communicate beautifully and genuine love. You are so special and I love you and pray daily for you.

  7. Shelly-

    You are still in our prayers. We are also praying for your family. I have twin identical girls (4 months) and I would do anything in the world for them. So, it touches my heart to see you fight for your family and so you know we are thinking of you often. If you would like to see the girls here is the link. You have a beautiful family and God will continue to work miracles. God bless.

  8. Dear Shelly:
    I have tried to send a comment before but it did not go through. I just want you to know that you are very precious to me and you are in my prayers and thoughts all day long. We love you.
    Grandma and Papa

  9. My sister in law was the same way with needles and blood, but when I got a epideral when I was haing my daughter she had to watch every detail of that and never got weak. I could hardly beliee someown that would gag over kids bugers and spit ups watched that without any problems. It was funny. I am so glad the tumors are shrinking. Thank God!!! He is so great. I hope you are feeling better soon!!!

  10. My prayers are with you and your family every day. Don’t worry God will take care of you! You just keep up the good work you are doing.

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